Friday, March 30, 2007

eLearning 2.0 Conference - Utilizing Horizon Wimba Voice Tools and Live Classroom

I had the opportunity to attend the e-Learning 2.0 Conference at Drexel University and wanted to share my thoughts on three of the presentations I went to.

The first presentation was on Horizon Wimba Voice Tools and Live Classroom.

Horizon Wimba Voice Tools is a asynchronous voice recording mechanism used as a voice recorder, voice email, voice discussion board and voice podcaster within a course management system like Blackboard. Blackboard is not necessary to run Horizon Wimba. They are working on integration with Moodle.

Voice Recorder – student introduction of themselves, faculty record 5-10 minute snippet that students have to listen to before class that shapes discussion in class.

Voice Discussion Board – Students can audio record their discussion board postings for archival

Voice Email – faculty feedback on assignments and projects

Voice Podcaster – Archiving ability as well as subscription based in iTunes (integration with iTunes U?)

Virtual Classroom is the “Live Classroom” feature where you can have a synchronous class that includes text, voice, video, PowerPoint delivery, application sharing and more.

What does it mean @ PhilaU?

Can be a true enhancement to existing Blackboard system to add a robust audio and live classroom presence to our hybrid and online courses. Especially important for online programs like Disaster Medicine and the MBA program, but worthwhile for every faculty member to explore use.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I realise this is self-serving, but I think folks should give YackPack a try. The interface and technology is better than HW (though we don't offer integration). Lots of educators -- including myself, because I teach at Stanford -- find YackPack to be an ideal tool for teaching.

We release about two upgrades per month to our web-based service (no software to install). We listen to our users and then improve, improve, improve.

We aren't as visible as HW, but our service and team aims to be your favorite. Give us a chance.

--BJ Fogg, Ph.D.
Founder, YackPack